Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Needs Quiz

Quick review.  According to the Mother Board Handbook, in a nutshell, our needs are water, air, food, shelter, sleep, medical treatment, physical activity, an honest, loving relationship with our spouses, and one real friend. Necessary clothing is important, but nothing dies if you don’t have it. Everything else comes after. 

       It may be time to re-arrange your order of importance. A few basic carbohydrates do not a good day make.  If a person cannot sleep undisturbed because they are being awakened by small children and sharing their bed with said beasties, that person will not be able to think clearly the next day.  If the house has a leak that goes unfixed because the credit card limit has been met with a family vacation to Disneyworld to keep up with the damn Joneses, the safety of the family is uncertain.  If we argue ineffectively with our husbands, it puts everyone on edge and sits at the forefront of our kids' minds, blocking their ability to mature.  If a mama gets liposuction, but does not fill her refrigerator with fresh vegetables, there is no Mama Bubble in place.  Needs are needs.  They must be filled for the mama to be a healthy example for the kids.

Fill in the blank or circle one of the following:


1. I drink about _________ glasses of plain water per day.  I think my body needs_______ glasses of water per day.
2. I shower AS OFTEN or NOT AS OFTEN as I would like.

3. I  DO or DO NOT    take time to breathe deeply when things get hectic.
4. I    DO or DO NOT    get out of my house into the fresh air.

5. I eat ________ servings of vegetables and fruit every day.  I think my body needs
________ servings of vegetables and fruit every day.
6. I    DO or DO NOT    plan balanced, healthy menus for myself and my family.

7. My home    IS or IS NOT    safe for me and my family.

8. I    DO or DO NOT    sleep soundly through the night.

Medical Treatment
9.    I know my cholesterol, thyroid, and hormone levels
10.   I      KNOW or DO NOT KNOW the results of my pap smear
11.   I      HAVE or HAVE NOT had my mammogram in the last twelve months.
12.   I       AM or AM NOT  up to date on my dental checkups and procedures.

Physical Activity
13. I exercise ______ hours per week.  I think my body needs ______ hours of exercise per week.

An honest, loving relationship with my spouse
14. I spend ______% of my time thinking about the good things about my spouse and ______% on what I would like to be different about him.
15. I told him Thank You ______ times today. 

 One Real Friend
16. The one person I can count on to be honest with me, even if I get mad for a little while, is


So, are you content with your answers?  
No?  Okay, change one thing that would make you feel content.
     Something to think about before you write down what you would change:
     Water is the best drink ever.  It helps flush the toxins out of your system without adding very many new ones to it--unlike colas or processed energy drinks. 
     If you are one of the thousands of new moms with an infant, you are one of thousands of moms with a new infant who lives with baby urp on the front of her shirt and in her hair.  These days are over in the blink of an eye, so when your baby is ready for his morning cat nap, put him in his crib (I know, you really like holding him when he sleeps, but remember, a shower is something that will make you feel human and benefit the others living with you), and go wash your hair.  The monitor works the bathroom, I promise.   If you are the proud parent of a clinging two-year-old, it is time to set a boundary. Is there a safe place for your child to watch a Barney DVD for 15 minutes that is within earshot of a shower stall?   Put a snack in a kiddo bowl, fill the sippy cup, and turn on the DVD. Put up a gate to the door of the safe place and tell your child that you are going to have your bath. If she screams the entire time, at least you know where she is.
     *Keep a bar of white soap under your bathroom sink to treat the stains on your shirt while you wait for the water to heat. 
To feel content about Water

     Oxygen helps the brain think more clearly (Brizendine M.D., The Female Brain ).  If you react without breathing, then your decisions most likely are not going to have the desired effect.  Stopping and taking four deep breaths may feel like eternity, but it will save you in the long run.
     Yes, you can carve out time outside for yourself.  Small steps.  “I want to make my front yard look pretty” is totally doable.  Rome was not built in a day, but five thirty-minute sessions should have you feeling a lot better about your front flower beds. If you have to have your kiddos with you, haul the port-a-crib outside and throw some netting over it—babies love watching bugs fly around as long as they don’t touch or eat them.  If they aren’t babies, you can hand them the weeds to put into the trash bag or give them the small hand trowel to loosen the dirt.  You are not trying to make your yard perfect for others walking by, you are trying to take care of yourself.  Want fresh squash?  Buy a small plant at the nursery and remember to water it--they are incredibly prolific.
Air __________________________________________________________________________
     “I get fast food all of the time or we eat out a lot because I don’t remember to pull the meat out of the freezer” has to be the one thing I hear the most. 
     *Set an alarm on your phone or clock radio in the kitchen every morning to check your menu and take out the meat.  Write down the vegetables you need from the store.  Simple small steps will make your life easier.  Again, buy a squash plant.  If you are feeling really adventurous, buy a tomato plant and a cage--your kids with think that growing food in the backyard is the coolest thing ever.
     If one eats only a pop-tart for breakfast, there cannot be great accomplishment at work or school.

Food ________________________________________________________________________

     A safe place to sleep is the most important goal of a shelter.  Deadbolts must work.  Gas cannot leak.  Furniture and televisions cannot topple over onto toddlers.  Dogs cannot bite.  These are some of the things that must be attended to for you to have peace.  If your request is going to be cosmetic in nature, move on. 

     You must sleep.  Children who wake up and come to your bed in the middle of the night must be placed back into their own bed.  Period.  Now that you are changing their routine, it will take a few nights of firm boundary setting, but this must be accomplished for you to function.
     A snoring husband needs medical attention.  You can try over-the-counter remedies, but you must be honest with him and say out loud that his snoring is causing you to not function effectively (i.e. forgetting things he needs).

     Yes, your health is important to your entire family and if you neglect yourself now, it will make your older age miserable.  Even the airlines tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first, before securing your child’s.  Small things turn into big things if left unattended, especially teeth!  “I have no money for that” can be handled with putting fifty dollars into an envelope every month to cover these checkups or your doctors may have payment plans if you need to see them immediately.  A small infection can lead to a major infection that can put you into the hospital which can cause MAJOR financial issues.  Do not be penny-wise and pound-foolish.
Medical Treatment_____________________________________________________________

     If you want to write down that a marathon is your goal, you had better be able to run five miles with no problem right now otherwise you are about to put up a giant road block. 
     Set a realistic goal if you are a slug right this minute.  Think Cardiovascular health.  “I want to run two miles three times a week” is a reachable goal for a slug.  Yes, you feel like a fraud at the beginning, but people who run regularly will cheer you on in their minds as they see you struggling at the beginning and other slugs will think you are better than they are for just getting out there.  Pick a light post.  Slowly run to it.  Catch your breath.  Pick the next one down the street.  Make your way around your neighborhood for two miles.  The next time, your body will remember what you did and react more favorably, and within six weeks, you will be running the entire thing and thinking about where to get the money for smaller shorts.
Physical Activity________________________________________________________________

     If you spend ninety percent of your time thinking about the ten percent that is not good in your marriage, you are like most of the wives in the world.  Do you want your husband thinking the same way about you?  When was the last time you initiated something sexual?  “He doesn’t treat me the way I want to be treated” is only blocking you from having a better relationship with him.  This one takes additional mental conviction (especially if you work outside the home, too), but see what response you get when you tell him “Thank you for going to that job and supporting all of this for the kids and for me.”
An honest, loving relationship with your spouse________________________________________
     If you called this person and told her that you feel like you have fallen off of a cliff into a very dark place, what would that person say?  Is the person you wrote down capable of attending to the statement, or would she brush it off with “Oh, you’re okay.  Everyone has bad days.  Let’s go shopping.”  A real friend would ask “How long have you felt this way?” and if it is longer than a couple of weeks, she would tell you it is time to go see your doctor.  She would hand you your phone and stand there while you made the appointment and then keep your kids when you go.  Husbands and sisters can be the best friends of your life.  Do not discount their value.
One real friend____________________________________________________________________

     Nothing is perfect and everyone has areas of their Needs that need attention.  Do not let the overwhelming idea of "perfect" paralyze you into not moving forward at all.  Make your list and make time in your day to attend to the improvements you desire. 
Permission to copy is granted by the author for personal use only.
Copyright 2012, Nancy Bellamy Jones

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